Numerical Symbolism
- Robert Fludd, Ars Memoriae, Imaginary Classical Stage with Five Entrances: [Visual Content]
- Uncategorized, Illustration, Map of the Forum at Pompeii: [Visual Content]
- John Dee, Monas Hieroglyphica, Monas and Tetractys: [Visual Content]
- Solon, Fragments, On the Human Lifespan: "At seven, an immature boy loses the row of teeth he grew in his infancy...."
- Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras, P. 80. I swear by him who the tetractys found.: "The tetrad was called by the Pythagoreans every number, because it comprehends in itself all..."
- Robert Fludd, Ars Memoriae, Theatrum Orbi: [Visual Content]
- Zoroaster, Chaldaean Oracles, Verses 25-27: "The Monad first existed, and the Paternal Monad still subsists. When the Monad is extended,..."
- Zoroaster, Chaldaean Oracles, Verses 28-32: "The Mind of the Father said that all things should be cut into three: His will..."
- Robert Fludd, De Divinis Numeris, Vidi Jehovam in altissimo throno super palatium mundanum elevato sedentem…: [Visual Content]
- Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks, Vitruvian Man: [Visual Content]
Numbers are rendered as symbolic entities in a variety of ways, such as: gematria (assigning numbers to letters), Kabbalah (mathematical permutations of words represented by numbers), and sacred geometry (mathematical constructs built into structures like stone circles or cathedrals), and binary arithmetic (1’s and 0’s represent specific machine states).