Jeremy Bentham
- The Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number: Section II. First Principles Enumerated — Human Nature 1: "For further proof, reference may be made to the general, indeed the all-comprehensive, principle of..."
- The Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number: Section II. First Principles Enumerated — The Proper End of Government: "The right and proper end of government in every political community, is the greatest happiness..."
- The Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number: Section II. First Principles Enumerated — Human Nature 2: "By the principle of self-preference, understand that propensity in human nature, by which, on the..."
Jeremy Bentham (1748 to 1832) was a British philosopher and jurist. He is regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism, an ethical philosophy. He is also known for a prison design called the Panopticon, and a passionate defense of usury.